
Thursday, September 13, 2012

DIY Better Than Name Brand Furniture Duster/Polish

So, as y'all have seen, I have been on a really big DIY cleaning product kick lately.  I have all sorts of cleaners that I have made on my own, but when I was dusting the house a couple of weeks ago, it occured to me that I have never thought about making my own furniture dusting solution.  It needed to be something that would actually clean and cut through all of the animal cracker guts....yup....I admitted it...toddlers tend to do those things....but it also needed to be something that would leave a nice shine.

I did some online research, then started playing with my formula.  I finally got the measurements to what works for me.  I poured it up into a spray bottle and started spraying.  I didn't like that at all. I know this is picky sounding, but I just really needed my dusting spray to come out in a fine mist like the aerosol cans.  What to do, what to do?  Meanwhile, I got distracted looking through a Pampered Chef book for a friend of mine.  Then, what did my eyes see but their cooking oil spritzer!  I just knew it would be perfect for this project.  So, I ordered the spritzer from my friend and waited (maybe not SO patiently) for it to arrive.  I was so excited when my order came in!

So now that I have everything I need...I can share it with you!

Here's what you need:
1/2 c. olive oil
4 Tbsp. lemon juice (I have mine frozen in cubes in the freezer from fresh lemons)
an awesome PC oil spritzer (or a spray bottle)

I use these small measurements because it is all I need to dust all of the furniture in the house and then some.  If you make more or don't use it all, I highly recommend storing in the fridge because of the fruit juice.

So, all you do is mix together the oil and lemon juice in the spritzer, place the lid on, and shake it like a salt shaker (love all the old song shaking references).  Then apply to wooden surfaces and wipe clean.  The acidic lemon juice will cut through any grease (and animal cracker guts) on your surfaces, and the olive oil will coat and protect the surfaces while giving them that glossy brand new shine.

This, to me, works better than the name brand spray I was using.  It definitely get the animal cracker guts up better....not that anyone else has that problem.  ;o)

I dust with terry cloth shop rags or old washrags.  I find that the microfiber clothes, end up leaving scratches on your surfaces if they get any debri under them (sawdust one week after we move into the house turned into scratched entertainment center built-in).  The terry cloth tends to wick the debri away better...or to me anyway.

Did you make this to try at your house?  Let me know how it did for you!  Have another recipe you use? Feel free to share.  I love to hear from you.

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