
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bathroom Closet Organization

The hidden spaces in our homes are often very neglected in terms of organization as well as in terms of style.  We think that style doesn't matter since we are the only ones who see the space.  Not true, I say!  In fact, I will tell you that since I organized my bathroom cabinet area in a stylish way, I feel much more compelled to keep it organized and tidy.  Even though nobody else sees that space (until now), making it stylish makes me feel better.

Everything I used for this project, I already had in my home.

I started from the top and worked my way down so that I could clean it well as I was working.  Before starting to organize each of my bathroom spaces, toilet paper was stored in a single location in a hall closet.  It was kind of a pain to run to the hallway every time you need to get a new roll.  I relocated a stash of toilet paper to each bathroom.  Here, you see that I stored the toilet paper stash for this bathroom on the top shelf.  Don't tell my kids, but there are a few Christmas presents stashed behind there for safe keeping.  :o)

On the next shelf, I decided to store Qtips and cotton balls in glass containers so I could get to them quickly and easily.  Next to those you can see a hand carved, wooden trinket box that belonged to my grandmother.  Inside that box is a stock of feminine items.  No need to keep those awful paper boxes.  In front of the box is a jade elephant that belonged to my husband's aunt.  I think it gives the cabinet flair.  This elephant migrates through the house.  He started in the living room on the book shelves, then moved to our bedroom dresser, now he lives here.  I'm sure he'll move again before it is all said and done.

On the next shelf, you can see that I have rolled wash rags up and placed them into an enamel ware chamber pot that I purchased about 4 years ago.  Next to that is an enamel ware plate that was my grandmother's.  Inside that plate are tweezers, nail clippers and nail files (not visible).

Finally, on the bottom shelf, I grabbed a wooden basket that we had shoved into a closet somewhere.  I rolled our towels up for attractive storage and easy access.

Who says that functional storage can't also be attractive?  I hope this inspires some stylish organizing at your house.

Let me know about your organization projects!  I love to hear from you!

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