
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Crescents: All the Flavor, Half the Price

Happy Thanksgiving!  I just got done making a special Thanksgiving breakfast for my crew.  I made them these cinnamon roll crescents.  My husband said these are better than cinnamon rolls, and he wants me to make these every weekend.  You women know that is a good feeling when your hubby likes something enough to want it every week!

We LOVE cinnamon rolls at my house.  When I say we love them...I mean we really love them.  In fact, when my oldest gets home and finds out we ate them without her....BIG trouble.  I don't make them very often because they aren't the healthiest thing and because they are a little pricey (unless you got the 40 cents off two coupon and hit the sale at Albertson' which case you got them for 50 cents).  The normal price of $3.75 is a little too rich for my blood.  So....what did I do?  I devised a plan using some items I already had on hand and a can of crescent rolls for $1.28.  I figure when you figure in your pennies spent of all of the ingredients, you end up at about half price.

Here is what you need:
For the rolls:
1 can refrigerated crescent rolls
4 Tbsp butter, softened but not melted
1-2 Tbsp cinnamon (depending on your taste)
2 Tbsp white sugar

For the icing:
1/4 c powdered suger
1-2 Tbsp of water
vanilla extract to taste

Got everything?  Good, let's get started...I have a pie and a casserole to bake.

Preheat your oven to 375.
Start out by unrolling and separating your rolls on a large, greased sheet pan.

Mix together the butter, cinnamon, and white sugar.  I like lots and lots of cinnamon, so I used two tablespoons.  Spread the cinnamon butter over your rolls.

Roll up your rolls to make them into crescents.

Bake for 11 minutes or until golden brown.  This will make your house smell amazing.  The ooey gooey butter and cinnamon will be oozing out all over your pan.

While those are in the oven, mix together icing ingredients in a small bowl.  I just put a drop or two of the vanilla because vanilla goes a long way, but if you love it...go crazy.

As soon as the rolls are done, take them out of the oven and drizzle them with the icing you just made.

Serve these up for a happy family.....stay tuned for an adorable wild man picture....

He loves em!....Here's another.....

He said, Cheese Momma!

I hope you and your family try these sometime and love them just as much as we do.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving.  Oh...and....Christmas time's a coming so get ready for some awesome Christmas posts!