
Sunday, September 22, 2013

No Spend Month: Week 2

This week, our budget is a very generous $87.50.  That accounts for 25% of our overall budget of $350 for the month.  Keep in mind, this includes gas and groceries.  Bills are not included in the no spend.  I know that $350 seems like a lot of money, but it goes quick with a family of 5. 

Day 1: It's a beautiful morning.  I am still pumped about having $4.09 leftover last week, so I am looking forward to this week for sure.

I had planned on making these awesome Pioneer Woman French Breakfast Puffs for breakfast, but the kids wanted graham crackers and carrots, so that is what they got.  Sometimes I just don't understand these creatures children.

I got a jump start on supper by tossing a Perfect Pot Roast into the crock pot before getting the kids dressed for church.

For lunch we kept it simple by throwing together some awesome grilled cheese sandwiches.  My mother in law bought me a grilled cheese press for Christmas.  Most people would be upset to receive an appliance, but she knows that I LOVE kitchen gadgets and appliances.  I love that she knows me so well.

Just before supper time, I tossed some rice in to cook and serve with the roast.  Mmmmm, the house smelled so good by this point that we were all starving.  To make sure we had enough for leftovers, I actually pulled out half of the meal before I served it.  You would be amazed at the difference in the amount your family eats based on availability.  We have a tendency to keep eating after we get full because we enjoy the taste.  By pulling out half, everyone still gets full, but you have food left for the next day.

Day 2: Morning got off to a pretty good start.

Breakfast was cheesy grits...these are a favorite across the board.

I was able to use up some fabric I have had around for a while today by making an apron for myself and cutting pattern pieces for several other projects to work on soon.

Lunch was the other box of organic mac n cheese that I had picked up for super cheap a couple weeks ago.

This afternoon, I ran Laney to soccer.  I also had to stop and pick up milk.  Our first money out for the week.  Can you believe it was $4.09 this week?!?! What is it with that number? That means that with tax I spent $4.38 on milk this week already.  Unbelievable. 

At supper we had leftover Perfect Pot Roast....which is even more yummy the second day, by the way.

Sorry my post is sort of short and sweet was kind of a rough day.  There's always tomorrow!

Day 3: Woke up determined to have a better day than Monday, but I didn't really feel well.  I got some chores done early on and got to work on a few sewing projects.

Breakfast was cereal.  I had planned on scrambled eggs, but the kiddos had other plans.

Lunch was PB&J and popcorn. I make our jelly homemade...there is nothing like it.  You have to try it if you ever get a chance.

Supper was bean tostados.  This is one of our favorite cheap meals.  You just throw flour tortillas into jumbo muffin tins, fill them with refried beans, and bake at 350 until the edges of the tortillas turn golden brown.  Then top with whatever you like...cheese, salsa, tomato, lettuce, sour cream, etc.

After supper, I started work on next week's menu.  Oofta, I hope I can get the ingredients we need and stay under budget!

Day 4: Still didn't feel fabulous when I got up.  I had to just suck it up though.  I had a ton to do today to prepare for an event for my home based business.

The kids convinced me to give them cereal for breakfast again today.  I'm starting to wonder about my cooking.....

For lunch I threw together some jambalaya rice.  I can't tell you how much they love that stuff.

I tried to get some more work done on my sewing during nap time.  I know you have to be getting curious by now about what I could possibly be spending so much time sewing.  You will have to wait to find out.

For supper I made a chicken and broccoli ring on my favorite piece of stoneware.  The kids and I love broccoli, but hubby is not a fan.  Overall though, it went over well.

I am so excited that tomorrow is payday and that I have a personal business event.  I need a pick me up.  Going on two weeks with no Monster coffee, and the no spending has gotten to me a little this week.  Almost at the end of week two, and I am starting to feel like some of my wants are really needs, haha.  I NEED fancy coffee creamer, right?  Ok, maybe not.  At any rate, I am in deep need of some time out of the house and a reminder that this month is going to be worth it.

Day 5: Getting kind of bogged down, but hoping for a great day.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and lunch was sandwiches, nothing exciting to speak of.

At supper time, I had a business event to attend, but the family had leftover chicken and broccoli ring.

Day 6: Toast and jelly and out the door to run time to gather my morning thoughts, haha. 

Bank, grocery store, gas station this morning with the kiddos.  We spend $37.42 at the store, then put $41 in the gas tank.  That with the $4.09 from earlier in the week would have put us at $82.51 and well under budget, but hubby called and said he found a great deal on gas that he couldn't pass up.  He put $59 of gas into his truck, so we are officially $54.01 over budget.

That would be getting me super down, but my fabulous mother and stepdad bought my my yearly supply of pumpkin spice coffee, so that softens the blow A LOT.

I had a business event around dinner time, so hubby rounded up any remaining leftovers for the kiddos and himself.

Day 7: Just kind of coasted through the day.  Feeling pretty awful about going over budget, but I know it means we will keep under budget the next week.

Hey!  We made it halfway!!!!

How are you doing with your no spend month?

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